luglio, 2017

22lug(lug 22)16:0020ago(ago 20)20:00ARDESIA, L'ORO DELLA LIGURIAEXHIBITIONS(luglio 22) 16:00 - (agosto 20) 20:00 Monastero Bormida (AT), Castello Medievale, Sale sotterraneiCATEGORIA:ARTEGENERE:ArteTARGET:Per TuttiCOMUNE:MONASTERO BORMIDA (AT)


Dettagli Evento

The slate extracted in Val Fontanabuona, in the Genoa hinterland, is the stone that the artist prefers in his work. It is a very old clayey, sedimentary rock, formed in very regular stratifications. The mountains of the valley are crossed by “sky-lined” quarries, which stretch up to 900 meters deep.

The extreme regularity of the fiber and its very fine grain allow, with the so-called “splitting” technique, to obtain perfectly plane slabs intended to cover the roofs of historic Genoa and the interior of the countryside, as well as making shelves, flooring and Other furnishing and design items. The billiard plans until a few years ago were made of slate; Covered with green cloth allowed a very special rebound to the ball launched by the player.

No less important has been the use of slate for works of art or artisanship over the centuries. Portals, over-doors, linings and bas-reliefs of the ancient Genoese palaces are still witness to this. The love and profound knowledge of this stone by the artist led him to preserve this ancient tradition by reproposing the engraving and the bas-relief on slabs, and also for portals, fireplaces, overseas doors etc. At the same time it has developed an original use of slate to create a series of items ranging from lamps to watches, jewelry and earrings.

Where: Underground Rooms, Castle of Bormida Monastery

Info: Cultural Association Museum of the Monastery – 349.6760008


Luglio 22 (Sabato) 16:00 - Agosto 20 (Domenica) 20:00


Monastero Bormida (AT), Castello Medievale, Sale sotterranei


Associazione Culturale Museo del Monastero - 349.6760008


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