aprile, 2018

29apr09:0016:00THE ALPINE PATHNATURE AND SPORT09:00 - 16:00 Montechiaro d'Acqui (AL), Montechiaro Alto, struttura comunale polivalenteCATEGORIA:WORKSHOPGENERE:Degustazione,Natura,SportTARGET:Per Adulti,Per RagazziCOMUNE:MONTECHIARO D


Dettagli Evento

Trekking path of about 15 km (20 km long version) with departure and arrival at Montechiaro Piana and passage in naturalistically very valuable areas (gullies, ravines, waterfalls, woods, etc.). At Montechiaro Alto a refreshment point at the multipurpose facility managed by the Pro Loco.

Where: Naturalistic ring between the ravines of Montechiaro d’Acqui and the ravines of the Rio Plissone

Info: PRO LOCO – https://www.prolocomontechiaro.com/proloco.montechiaro@tiscali.it

MUNICIPALITY OF MONTECHIARO D’ACQUI> tel. 0144/92058 – fax 0144/952949 – e.mail: info@comune.montechiarodacqui.al.it

website: www.comune.montechiarodacqui.al.it


(Domenica) 09:00 - 16:00


Montechiaro d'Acqui (AL), Montechiaro Alto, struttura comunale polivalente

Montechiaro Piana, struttura comunale polivalente


Comune di Montechiaro d'Acqui - 0144/92058


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