luglio, 2018

21lug(lug 21)18:0005ago(ago 5)19:00POLIMORFISMI - RENZA LAURA SCIUTTOEXHIBITIONS(luglio 21) 18:00 - (agosto 5) 19:00 Denice (AL) Oratorio di San Sebastiano, Via RoccaveranoCATEGORIA:ARTEGENERE:SculturaTARGET:Per TuttiCOMUNE:DENICE (AL)


Dettagli Evento

Itinerant exhibition that is inaugurated Saturday, July 21 at 6 pm, in the Oratory of San Sebastiano di Denice. The exhibition will remain open until August 5 and will be open at the following times: Saturday at 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm and Sunday 10.00 am – 12.00 pm and 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm, by appointment: 3292505968.

This will be the first of the six organized on the territory of the Municipalities Montani Suol D’Aleramo promoted and wanted by the president of the Union Nicola Papa, mayor of Denice. The following exhibitions will open in the following countries: Melazzo, 22 July; Cavatore, 4 August; Ponti, 5th August; Spigno Monferrato, 24 August; Cartosio, 25th August.

Where: Oratory of San Sebastiano

Info: Comune> Tel. 0144 92038




Luglio 21 (Sabato) 18:00 - Agosto 5 (Domenica) 19:00


Denice (AL) Oratorio di San Sebastiano, Via Roccaverano


Comune di Denice


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