agosto, 2018

04ago(ago 4)10:0005(ago 5)19:00"PAPER TREASURES" IN THE ROOMS OF THE BISHOP PALACEENTERTAINMENT AND THEATRE10:00 - 19:00 (5) Acqui Terme (AL), Palazzo VescovileCATEGORIA:SPETTACOLIGENERE:Archeologia,Letteratura,StoriaTARGET:Per TuttiCOMUNE:ACQUI TERME (AL)


Dettagli Evento

On the first Saturday and Sunday of August, it will be possible to access the prestigious rooms of the bishop’s palace to discover new paper treasures from the bishop archives and the library of the diocesan seminary. On this occasion the pieces presented to the authorities will be presented again on the occasion of the entrance of Bishop Luigi Testore last March. The intent is to make everyone a little more aware of the importance of the archival and library heritage preserved in the two diocesan cultural institutions. To underline the variety of the library heritage of the seminary library, it was decided to create a review of ancient volumes from multiple subjects: literature, geography, history.

Where: Palazzo Vescovile

Info: by the Diocese of Acqui Terme> 368.3222723


4 (Sabato) 10:00 - 5 (Domenica) 19:00


Acqui Terme (AL), Palazzo Vescovile


Diocesi di Acqui Terme - 368.3222723


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